Flipped Classrooms

The reason I clicked on this article originally was because of a class I took in my fall 2015 semester at the University of Georgia. This class was required for my major which is Management Information Systems. Dr. Craig Piercy teaches Networked Based Application Development, or “Net Apps” and he used this teaching method on our class. When I first learned of this teaching style I thought it to be an interesting concept, and later grew to learned some of its benefits.

Flipped classrooms are a very new type of K-12 learning that is being embraced by schools of all types. Essentially what flipped classrooms are is the “flipping” of coursework and teacher involvement from a traditional setting to a more individual approach. The idea is for the student to complete a large portion of the coursework, that would traditionally be completed in a classroom, at home. This student empowerment gives the student an opportunity to work at their own pace and master concepts more effectively since they are doing the work on their own and not forced to move at the pace of the rest of the class.

Flipped learning is also important because of the individual learning that is done at home. By devoting your time to mastering the material at however rate it takes you, it frees up classroom time for more engaged student learning. Students that come to class after having mastered the material are more likely to participate in assessments and discussions. Overall, flipped learning is an effective K-12 teaching opportunity and should be continued more and more as it is seen fit.

Questions after reading this article:

What sort of technologies are being used for this teaching style?

Should this be applied to all students?

What sort of students should this learning style be geared towards?


Flipped Learning? A great new way that is being used to teach students everywhere. Check out my blog to learn more about flipped learning.

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